LETTERS: Letter to the Marquis of Bonnac (1754)

A letter signed by Mme de Pompadour addressed
to the Marquis of Bonnac (1754)

This is a short, autographic letter (1) of Mme de Pompadour (from a private collection, never published).

The letter is addressed to the Marquis of Bonnac, ambassador of France in the Netherlands during the years 1752-1756.

The content is a returning thanks to the condolences given by the Marquis for the unexpected death of her daughter Alexandrine, the 15 June 1754.

" Compiègne le 13 jullet 1754

Je vous remerci trés sincerement, Monsieur,
de l'interêt que vous me marquéz
prendre à mes ,malheurs et je vous
prie d'etre convaincu de ma reconnaissance,
je suis trés parfaitement,
Monsieur, votre trés humble et trés
obeissante servante ./. La m. de Pompadour

M. le Marquis de Bonnac a La Haye "


(1) The letter could be prepared by a secretary, or by another person, the calligraphy doesn’t correspond to the one of Madame de Pompadour as we can see from the sign.
Being a returning thanks for the death of the daughter, probably many letters have been prepared to be sent, eventually signed by the Marchioness.

Example of the handwriting of Mme de Pompadour

